Zerafa, Peter Paul (24.2.1929-)Biblical scholarJohn Zerafa was born in Nadur and studied at the Gozo Seminary. In 1948 he joined the Dominican Order and was given the name Peter Paul. He studied philosophy at Aquinas College, Rabat (1948-51), theology at the Angelicumin Rome (1951-57), and sacred scripture at the Ecole Biblique in Jerusalem(1955-56, 1957-58). He was ordained priest in 1953. He graduated B.S.-lb. (1953), lector in sacred theology (1955), and doctor in theology from the Angelicum (1958). He also graduated mas-ter in sacred theology (STM) from Santa Sabina, Rome (1970) and doctor in sacred scripture (Vat.) from the Pontifical Biblical Commission (1977). Zerafa had a long brilliant career as a professor in sacred scripture. He taught at the Aquinas College (1958-60), the Ahgelicum (1960-89, 1994-) the Venerable Bede College, Rome (1964-68), the Pontifical Institute Regina Mundi, Rome (1964-83), the Carrnelite House of Studies, Rome (1965-66), 'the Istituto Superiore di Scienze Religiose, Rome (1968-86, 1994-) Spalding College, Louisville, USA (1967-71), the Regional Seminary, Viterbo (1978-79), the Dominican House of Studies, Rome (1984-87), and the UM (1989-90). Zerafa was consultor at the Pontifical Commission for the New Vulgate (19.66-80), rector at he Convitto Intemazionale San Tonunaso, Rome (1978-83), and member of the commission for the second edition of the Maltese bible and definitor of the Maltese Dominican province (1993-). Zerafa has published Wisdom in Pr 1, 20-33;8,1-31(1967),The Wisdom of Godin the book of Job (Rome, 1978), Liber Esdrae, Liber Nehemiae (New Vulgate), (Vatican City, 1979), L-ewwel u t-Tieni Ittra ta' Pawlu lit-Tessalonikin (1991), A Guide Towards Understanding the Bible, (1992) and L-Ittri ta' Pawlu lil-Galatin u lir-Rumani (1993). He also contributed many studies in such journals Angelicum and Rivista di Ascetica e Mistica. Source: Maltese Biographies of the Twentieth Century (1997), editors Michael J. Schiavone and Louis J. Scerri