Zammit, Paul Natale (4.2.1904-21.9.1995)Dominican scholarZammit was born at Zabbar and studied at De La Salle College, St Paul's School, Valletta, the Seminary in Lucca, and the Collegio dei Nobili in Fiesole. In 1920 Zammit joined the Dominican Order and was given the name of Paul. He studied philosophy and theology at the University of St Thomas in Rome from where he obtained a doctorate in theology. He was ordained priest in 1928. Zammit studied law at the Catholic University in Lille, France and graduated BA in law in 1931. He was appointed professor of ethics at the University of St Thomas in Rome in 1931, where he was also awarded a doctorate in philosophy in 1932. He followed the third year of law at La Sapienza University in Rome (1932-33) and studied economics at London University as a postgraduate internal student and graduated Ph.D. Econ. (London) in 1936. Zammit taught ethics and economics at the University of St Thomas, Rome (193640). Zammit was appointed professor of philosophy and social science at St Edmund's College, Ware, Hertfordshire (1940-46). In 1946 he returned to Rome where he taught at St Thomas University, and was appointed professor of philosophy of law at the Universita Internazionale Pro Deo (1946-50). In 1950 Zammit returned to Lille, where he took his final examination and obtained a doctorate in law and a certificate in social science (1950). Zammit taught philosophy at St Alberi's College, Oakland, California (1955-57). He was awarded a masters degree in sacred theology in 1952 (after he had taken his final examination ad gradus for the magisterium in Rome, 1949). He acted as pro-rector (195657) at St Albert College, Oakland; taught philosophy at the Dominican College of San Rafael; the Catholic University of America; and theology and Holy &dpture at Notre Dame College, Belmont (1955-57). Zammit was awarded the Croce al Merito Melitense di prima classe con corona of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta in 1959. Zammit founded and directed various study groups for many years. His publications include Ethics - De Eudaimonia; De Analogia (a critical edition of Cajetan's work), and Opuscula Oeconimico-Socialia. He has also contributed various articles and reviews in The Thomist, Angelicum, Blackfriars, Catholic Gazette, Scientia and the New Catholic Encyclopaedia. Source: Maltese Biographies of the Twentieth Century (1997), editors Michael J. Schiavone and Louis J. Scerri