Zammit, Frank (27.1.1944-)Computer programmerBorn in Victoria, Gozo, but brought up in Marsa, Zammit studied at the Seminary, the Lyceum, and St Michael's College. He was an active member of the Catholic Action and member of the Theatrical Company San Frangisk. At the age of 20 Zammit emigrated to Australia where he graduated in accountancy and commercial law. He also studied computer studies and graduated from the Automation Academy of Australia. He returned to Malta in 1981 but he emigrated again to Sydney in 1984. He has worked as systems analyst, programmer, and operator on several systems. Zammit, a promoter of the teaching of Maltese in Australian schools, is a member of Ghaqda Poeti Maltin. He was member of the Moviment Qawmien Letterarju (Malta) and of the editorial board of Il-Polz. Zammit, who is founder-president of the Ghaqda Kulturali Maltija of New South Wales, published Bejn Zewg Gziriet (1995), a book of verse. Source: Maltese Biographies of the Twentieth Century (1997), editors Michael J. Schiavone and Louis J. Scerri