Stilon De Piro, Mario (24.3.1928-) ILO officialBorn in Valletta, Stilon De Piro received his education at the Lyceum and the RUM from where he obtained the diploma of pharmaceutical chemist in 1948 and graduated MD in 1952. He obtained a diploma intropical medicine and hygiene (1956) a post-graduate diploma in public health from the University of London (1959), and a diploma in industrial health (1959). Stilon De Piro was elected member of the faculty of occupational medicine of the London Royal College of Physicians in 1981. In 1953 Stilon De Piro was posted to northern Nigeria with the colonial service and in 1959 he Was transferred to Her Majesty's Overseas Civil Service. He served as medical officer, urban senior health officer, and divisional senior medical officer. During the Suez Crises he was assigned responsibility for the ground arrangements and medical care for patients on RAF transport command aeromedical flights staging from the Far East through Kano Airport. During this period he was also member of several northern Nigerian township boards, principal of the Kano School of Hygiene, and West African board examiner for public health inspectors of the Royal Society of Health. He retired in 1963 when Nigeria was granted self-government. In 1963 Stilon De Piro joined the ILO and was appointed consultant within the UN expanded programme of technical assistance to advise the Libyan National Social Security Institute on the development of medical services. In 1965 he was transferred to the ILO headquarters in Geneva as a senior official on medical care questions in the social security department and later in the occupational safety and health branch. Since 1965 Stilon De Piro's activities have included national advisory missions, including one to Malta in July-August 1969, drafting of papers and reports, advisory support on medical care and occupational safety and health at ILO tripartite technical meetings, industrial committees and Conferences, serving as liaison officer with WHO, and lecturing and participating at national and international meetings. He was also a member of several ILO Staff committees on health insurance, welfare, and occupational health. He retired from the ILO in 1983.In 1989 Stilon De Piro initiated preliminary contact with ICRC and LRCS in. Geneva to establish a Red Cross Society in Malta. He drafted the preliminary bill and a statute for the proposed Society which were approved in 1990. He was founder-member of the Malta Red Cross Society in 1991 and was elected its first vice president (1991-94) and honorary life member (1994). On the 50th anniversary of World War II, Stilon De Piro's initiative led the government to install a marble plaque at the law courts commemorating the plight of Maltese Nationalists who were arbitrarily arrested, interned, and deported to Uganda wittout trial and judgement. The court of appeal , defending human rights, had declared the deportation order ultra vires. Stilon De Piro is married to Marie Josette Cauchi Inglott, a physiotherapist, and they have two daughters, Nadine and Karen. Source: Maltese Biographies of the Twentieth Century (1997), editors Michael J. Schiavone and Louis J. Scerri