Shields, Victor (24.1.1941-)Clinical psychologistShields was born in Zebbug, Malta and pursued his secondary studies at St Aloysius College. Between 1961 and 1964 he read history of philosophy with London University. He received his theological training at the Gregorian University in Rome (1964-70). A member of the MSSP, he was ordained priest in Rome in 1967. From the Pontifical Gregorian University he obtained a bachelor of sacred theology degree (1966) and licentiate in sacred theology (1968). From Rome he also gained a diploma in classical Latin in 1969. At the Gregorian he also cornpleted a post-graduate biennium in moral theology under the Jesuit moral theologian Joseph Fuchs in 1970. Between 1970 and 1971 hetaught religious studies in Windsor, Canada. In 1971 Shields moved to Melbourne, Australia, graduating in psychology from MeIboume University in 1976. subsequently, he completed a three-year period of training in the Practice Of Psychology at the Melville Mental Health Clinic in Melbourne which led to his registration in 1979 as a clinical psychologist with the PsychologicalCouncil of the State of Victoria n Australia. In 1982 he earned a doctorate in theology from the Melbourne College of Divinity. His doctoral dissertation with an emphasis on moral theology and psychology of religion, was: 'Religious Freedom: New Directions in Catholic neology,. Alongside his academic and professional work, Shields wasextensively involved in pastoral work in Melbourne, particularly amongst Maltese migrants. In this area, his outstanding achievement has been his concern and work for the social organization of the Maltese community in Victoria. He was one of the Main promoters of the main promoters of the community centre which the MSSP, in conjunction with the Maltese community council of Victoria, built in the early 1980s in Melbourne. This centre caters for the cultural, social, and spiritual welfare- of the Maltese community there. In 1982 Shields returned to Malta when he was elected assistant general of the MSSP. Since then he has practised locally as a clinical psychologist. Besides, he lectured in moral theology at INSERM and in clinical pastoral psychology at the former faculty of theology at Tal-Virtu'. He currently lectures in the department of psychology in the faculty of education and the faculty of theology at the UM. He has also lectured in psychology at the Police Academy since its inception. He has been working in broadcasting for several years, contributing weekly programmes on the Public Broadcasting Service as well as on the Voice of the Mediterranean. Shields has published several articles in academic journals and is a regular contributor to local papers. Apart from a book, Aghraf Ahjar Lilek Innifsek (1990), and a booklet, II-Holm (AsPetti Psikologici u Spiritwali) (1991), he has published an extensive series of lectures on casette both in English and Maltese to familiarize the general public with the subject matter of his profession. Source: Maltese Biographies of the Twentieth Century (1997), editors Michael J. Schiavone and Louis J. Scerri
