Pisani Vince (1927-)BusinessmanBorn in Kalkara, and brought up in Gzira. Emigrated to Sydney in 1949 on the ship Misr. His first job was with Holden Motor Company in Pagewood, where most of the workers were Maltese. After a while he left this job to take up a position as a real estate agent. He was so successful in this endeavour that he bought up Rodgers Realty in Leichhardt in partnership with lawyer, Bill Blackshaw. He soon became one of the best known business men of the time, and as such was asked in 1958 to provide financial assistance to help the George Cross Soccer Club of Melbourne to play in Sydney. He soon became closely involved with soccer and was elected President of the Melita Eagles Football Club, a position he held for 16 years. Under his direction the club became one of the best soccer clubs in NSW. Mr Pisani was involved in several other activies. He organised the first Air charter from Sydney to Malta in June 1969. He was instrumental in bringing comedians Charles Clews and Johnny Navarro from Malta (in 1965). He also became president of the Phoenician Club. He spent several years as Managing Director in the early years of The Maltese Herald. There is no doubt that Vice Pisani has left his mark on every aspect of life of Maltese migrants in NSW. He was elected Justice of the Peace and was honoured as Knight of the Sovereign Order of St John (OSJ). In June 2001 he was elected President of the Maltese Business and Professionals' Association of NSW. He is married to Margaret and has six children, Marcell, George, Valerie, Stephen, Danielle and Rachelle. Source: Maltese Biographies of the Twentieth Century (1997), editors Michael J. Schiavone and Louis J. Scerri