Mamo, Gwann (1886-1941)WriterBorn in Luqa, he lived in Marsa. He was found dead with broken ribs in Wied Babu, limits of Zurrieq. He lived as a poor man throughout his life. His profession was been recorded as 'clerk' and 'antiquarian' Mamo loved travel, and spent some of his time in Egypt (Alexandria) and elsewhere. He has written a number of poems and other writings, but he is best known for his satirical novel Ulied in-Nanna Venut fl-Amerika. Written in the 1930s and broadcasted on radio at the time. This is the only novel devoted to the Maltese migration episode. Although treated as a broad farce, it nonetheless provides a social critique of the situation in Malta at the time. It has been reprinted in 1984 the Department of Information Source: Maltese Biographies of the Twentieth Century (1997), editors Michael J. Schiavone and Louis J. Scerri