Magro, Sylvester C. (14.2.1941-)Bishop and apostolic vicarBorn at Rabat, Magro received his education at Stella Maris College, Giira. He joined the Franciscan Friar Minors in 1957 and studied at the Franciscan seminary at Rabat. He took his professional vows in 1962 and was Ordained priest in 1966. After his ordination, he furthered his studies at the Pontificio Ateneo Antonianum and at the Lateran University in Rome from where he graduated doctor of theology and obtained a diploma in pastoral theology. Magro was a lecturer at the Franciscan seminary. In 1982 was appointed parish priest of the Sacro Cuor parish in Sliema. In 1988 he joined the Franciscan missions of the Milan province in.Libya, which in May 1991 was passed on to the Maltese Franciscans under Fr Magro. At the same time Magro was appointed vicar-general to Bishop Giovanni Martinelli, OFM, and was also appointed parish priest of the Maltese Catholic community and other English-speaking Catholic communities. In March 1997 Magro was appointed bishop of Saide and apostolic vicar to Benghazi, Libya. He was consecrated bishop in Malta in May 1997. Source: Maltese Biographies of the Twentieth Century (1997), editors Michael J. Schiavone and Louis J. Scerri