Colombos, Constantine John (1888-24.4.1968)Queen's CounselBorn in Valletta, Colombos studied at Flores College, the UM, the Ecole des Sciences Politiques, and the Istitut des Hautes Etudes Intemationales Paris. He graduated LL.D. from London in 1926. Colombos practised his profession in UK from 1923 and also lectured in international law at The Hague Academy of International Law. Colombos was associate member of the Institute of International Law and president of the Admiralty and Prize Law Committee of the International Bar Association. During World War 1, Colombos served as legal advisor of the Admiral C-in-C Allied Fleets in Mediterranean (1915-19) and legal advisor to the Maltese Government in London (1922-27 and 1932-33). Colombos, who was of Greek Orthodox Religion, was also honorary administrator of the navy of Texas, USA and chief legal advisor for the ecumenical patriarch of Constantinople. Colombos who was nominated Queen'sCousel 1950, was honoured member of the Legion of Honour and Palmes ie (lst Class), the Belgian Order of The Crown and the Netherlands Order of Orange Nassau. Colombos was accepted as Member of the Maltese Chamber of Advocates in 1964. Colombos'ss Publications include A Treatise Law Of Prize (3rd edition, 1949), and Intermational Law of the Sea (5th revised 1962). He contributed to the 14th Encyclopedia Brittanica, to Halsbury's Laws of England , and to the section of Diplomatic Biography of Dipl-atique Internationale. He articles about international and constitutional law in the Journal of comparative Legislation of the British Year Book of tional Law. Colombos is mentioned in Pai Biographique Diplomatique, la by Academica Diplomatiquepublished by the Accademica Diplomatique International. Colombos, who was a close friend of Sir Ugo Mifsud, prime minister of Malta, erected at his own expense the monument to Mifsud at the Mall which was unveiled in his presence 11 February 1963. He died in London. Source: Maltese Biographies of the Twentieth Century (1997), editors Michael J. Schiavone and Louis J. Scerri