GEORGE. N. BUSUTTIL (1939- )Mr Busuttil was born on 3d April, 1939 and he studied at the Lyceum in Malta and at the R.A.F. University College in Cranwell, Lincolnshire, U.K. In 1957 he was awarded an R.A.F. Officer Cadetship in the General Duties (Flying) Branch as a Navigator.
In 1961 he was appointed Executive officer in the Malta Civil Service and between 1963 and 1966 he served as Third Secretary in the Commissioner General's Office in London. Mr Busuttil returned to the Ministry of Commonwealth and Foreign Affairs up to 1969 when he was posted to the Malta High Commission in London up to his promotion to First Secretary in 1971. During this period he carried out the duties of Employment Secretary and was responsible for placing Maltese prospective migrants in jobs in U.K. He also assisted Maltese migrants in finding adequate accommodation and in their settling in problems.
Between 1971 and 1987 he served in various capacities in the Works Ministry including that of Asst Head in charge of the organisation and running of the construction stage of the Freeport Project at its inception in 1978.
In 1987 Mr Busuttil returned to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as Counsellor responsible for the Political Division and was promoted First Secretary in 1989 and Acting Permanent Secretary in September, 1990.
In November 1991 Mr Busuttil took up his appointment as Malta's resident High Commissioner in Canberra, in 1992. He was appointed non-resident High Commissioner to New Zealand and in 1995 non-resident Ambassador to the Philippines. Mr Busuttil was appointed Dean of the Diplomatic Corps in Canberra in March 1997. During his stay in Australia he encouraged the teaching of Maltese and introduced with the co-operation of the Ministry of Education Short Term Scholarships in Malta for second and third generation Maltese Australians.
He returned to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in March, 1999 and was Chairman of the Organising Committee of the Migrants Convention held in Malta in January, 2000. Mr Busuttil is now an Adviser at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and his duties include responsibility for the Unit dealing with the Maltese Communities overseas.
