Borg, Anne (1949-)Concert pianistBorn in Sliema, Borg was educated at St Joseph's Convent' She studied piano under Miss A. Parnis England and Miss A. Hare. In 1967 Borg won first prize in the piano competition organized by the Malta Song Festival Board which awarded her a year's scholarship to 'study under Walter Blankenheim at the Saarbrucken Music Academy. A further scholarship was awarded to her by the German Academic Exchange Service leading eventually to studies under Robert Leonard. She gained her teacher's diploma in 1974 and her performer's diploma in 1976. Further studies included a master's course under Naumov and master classes under Margulis of Leningrad and at the Freiburg Music Academy. Apart from giving regular and highly-cessful CODccrt and recital appearances in Malta, mainly at the Manoel Theatre, Borg has been teaching piano at the Saarbrucken Academy of Music since 1972- She has performed on radio in Germany and accompanied the Saarbrucken Radio orchestra in a concert tour in Russia. In the past few years she has given duo recitals with Walter Blankenheim. Other concert Performances have been given in France and Egypt.. Borg has recorded in Sa-b-cken, Bremen, Munich, and Cologne and has recorded works by Badinski. Borg is married to Herbert Beigel. Source: Maltese Biographies of the Twentieth Century (1997), editors Michael J. Schiavone and Louis J. Scerri