Bonnici, Josef (15.4.1953-)Economist and politicianBonnici was born at Birzebbuga. He obtained his BA (Hons.) from the UM and his MA and Ph.D. from the Simon Fraser University in Canada, specializing in econometrics, macroeconomics, and monetary economics. Bonnici lectured in macroeconomics, statistics, and business finance at Simon Fraser University and was senior lecturer in economics at Deakin University, Australia. In 1988 he was appointed professor of economics at the.UM and in 1991 expert advisor to the Council of Europe in its coordinated research programme in the social field. Between 1988 and 1992 Bonnici served as economic advisor to the prime minister of Malta. In 1992 Bonnici was elected to Parliament in the interests of the PN. In 1993 he was appointed parliamentary secretary in the ministry of finance and in 1995 minister for economic services. In 1996 Bonnici was returned from two electoral districts. He was a member of the Maltese Parliamentary Delegation to the Council of Europe, of the Maltese delegation to the CSCE, and of the Joint Malta-EU Parliamentary Committee. He has led delegations to various countries, including the UK, Germany, Belgium, and Australia. He has also participated in many conferences addressing various fora. In 1996 he was conferred with a doctorate in humanities (Honoris Causa) by Rikkyo University, Japan. Bonnici published Microeconomics (Australia, 1992) and is co-author of Malta in the European Community. Some Economic and Commercial Perspectives, published by The Malta Chamber of Commerce in 1981, and of Why is Canada's unemployment rate so high (Vancouver, 1986). He has also published articles in various journals in Malta and abroad. Bonnici married Rita Oliva and they have two children. Source: Maltese Biographies of the Twentieth Century (1997), editors Michael J. Schiavone and Louis J. Scerri