Attard, Lawrence E. (1.5.1936-)AuthorAttard was born in Vittoriosa and educated at the Archbighop's Seminary, Floriana and Aquinas College, Rabat. He also studied at the Dominican Studium, Dublin, where he graduated S.Th.L. (1962), the Universita degii Studi in Milan, (1964), the National University of Ireland, Dublin (1962-65) from where he graduated BA (Hons), and Oxford University where he graduated MA in modern history (1969). Attard taught history at Aquinas College, Rabat (1969-80) and was prior of the Dominican community at Rabat (1980-83). Attard is best known for his connection with the Emigrants Commission where he has been maintaining contact with migrants abroad and counselling prospective migrants for the past 25 years. He is the coordinator of the weekly radio programme Migrants' Magazine and editor of the magazine Lil Hutna. In 1993 gave lectures on Maltese migration in Australia. Attard's major contributions to the history of Maltese emigration include Early MalteseEmigration:1900-1914 (1983), The GreatExodus:1918-1939 (1989), and The Safety Valve - A history of Maltese Migration since 1945 (1996). Attard's first published work, was however Dante and the Theory of the Two Swords (Spain, 1970). He also published Ghal-Gieh t'Ismek Mulej (1993). He has contributed a chapter on emigration in Malta, Culture and Identity (1994). Attard is also a regular contributor on Maltese migration in local and foreign journals. Source: Maltese Biographies of the Twentieth Century (1997), editors Michael J. Schiavone and Louis J. Scerri