4.5 Type of Employment for Second Generation MalteseAnalysis of occupational status of second generation Maltese shows that there is very little convergence towards the Australian average, and that the proportion of persons in specific jobs in the second generation is very similar to the first generation. In both generations there is a disproportionate reduction in the number of administrative, executive and professional/'technical professions, and large numbers in the trades,/process and production workers in comparison with Australian average. There is some increase in the proportion of clerical workers from 8% in the first generation to 14% of the second generation), but this is the only marked genera1 change that can be seen (Burnley 1985, Jupp 1986). A confirmation of the low rate of change in employment status within the Maltese community is afforded by the recent OMA survey (1989), where a specific question was asked relating to father's ocupation when respondent was 14 Years. At that time the proportion of professionals/ managers/para-professinals was 27%, or about half that of the general proportion (43%) or from NESB sample (48.0%) . By contrast, the proportion of labourers was 37% or more than double that form the general sample (14%) or NESB sample 17.6%). Source: Maurice N. Cauchi - Maltese Migrants in Australia, Malta 1990