Education and Maltese language usage among persons of Maltese background

Author: Maurice Cauchi

The Third Generation

In this survey, there were 200 persons who were born of second generation parents of Maltese background. I shall make only a few comments on these children.

The age distribution curve of these persons shows that 63% are still under the age of 10 yrs, and only 2.5% are aged 30 years or over. The proportion of females was 53%, which is slightly more than expected (Fig 2).

The proportion of 3rd generation persons aged 5 or more who speak Maltese well was only 5% with up to 16% who speak some Maltese. There were, moreover, 37% who were said to be able to understand some Maltese, but only 14% who could understand it well. There seems to be no difference between males and females in the third generation with respect to their ability to understand Maltese.

It is too early to say whether there are significant trends in the educational achievement of these children compared to their parents, largely because the majority are still at school.

Source: Maltese Background Youth - Editors Cauchi M, Borland H, Adams R, 1999, [Europe Australia Institute], p 1

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