My storyAuthor: Natalie Azzopardi This was an opportunity I was very grateful for, and one that wouldn't often pass by, So, to gain the experience and save up some money, I decided to give it a try. I was given many responsibilities, helping out in the department of sales, And after taking in a great deal of information - I found myself selling scales. So I wasn't exactly performing on stage, though in all jobs there is a relation: Hard work, dedication, to adopt the right attitude and above all, communication. And this by no means was a waste of time, especially in the area I was trained; The new friends, the contacts and the confidence built, was all part of the knowledge I gained. My position wasn't what I wanted to be, though I took it very seriously all the saxne, And it was here that I lernt to a greater extent that the work force is no game. T'his factor, possibly a barrier for youth, too demanding perhaps for their dream, By simply have fear of being 'out there', as well as lack of self-esteem. I stopped working for my Dad at United Weighing after being there for a year, Due to the fact that an opportunity arose that would help my Performing Career. I was very appreciative toward my Dad and the company, for everything thing that I was taught And once again headed down that performing track with my family's full support. I performed at Oxford Children's Theatre, for two months - twice a day I accepted the part to gain further experience - it was a job that did not pay. However, the director loved to seek new talent, and even in her old age. She loved to teach and believed as an actor, you gain the best experience on stage, And on stage we were, day in day out, and not easy - might I add The dedication, hard work and 59 performances was certainly the best experience I've had. This chance that I was given, and the experience I gained, you'll find is very rare; Most companies now that employ young people already want the experience there. And this - one of the biggest barriers for youth, how are they meant to advance, If there's only a handful of companies that will give them half a chance. And so lies the biggest problem that all unemployed surround: The simple fact that there's just not enough of work to go around After working with Oxford Theatre, came time to put it to the test, I spoke to some acting agents as well as registered with 'YES West'. I knew it was going to be hard to find something in this field, But to be so pessimistic is only building another shield. YES West gave me words of encouragement to do what I desire And their help and generosity - is certainly one to admire. With the agents I faced some barriers, well I was expecting some sure, The first one was that the experience I had was not what they were looking for. The agents all work differently, one that I called worked in a way That they had a company policy to take graduates from N.I.D.A. and V.C.A. Source: Maltese Background Youth - Editors Cauchi M, Borland H, Adams R, 1999, [Europe Australia Institute], p 61