Dual CitizenshipAmendments to the Citizenship and Immigration LawsThis website contains explanations of the amendments that have been effected to the Citizenship & Immigration laws through Acts Nos III and IV of 2000, which became effective as from the 10 February 2000. If one could call the dual citizenship amendments of 1989 a milestone in so far as Malta's Citizenship Laws are concerned, the amendments that have been effected in the year 2000 merit even more the 'milestone' title. Indeed dual (or multiple) citizenship has now become the rule rather than the exception it was under the 1989 amendments. Moreover, the conditions which one had to satisfy under the latter amendments are now a thing of the past and no longer effective. As one shall see from the explanations given in this website the 'dual citizenship' legislation has been much simplified and rendered easy to understand and to follow. Nevertheless if more information or clarifications are needed on the matter, one should address enquiries to Malta's Embassy or High Commission in the country concerned or to: The Director Department for Citizenship & Expatriate Affairs 3 Castille Place Valletta CMR 02 Malta The Department may be reached also by: e-mail:citizenship@magnet.mt telefax:(356) 237513 telephone: (356) 250868, 250569-73
