Know your surname: ABDILLAORIGIN: Arabic origin. Abd Allah [servant of God] PLACE NAMES - Name of a place in Wied ir-Raheb, Kercem, Gozo.
- Name of a large water well called Ta' Bir Ghabdalla, half way between Qrendi & Siggiewi.
- A very popular comedy by Charles Clews It-Tieg ta' Karmena Abdilla has been performed by Maltese abroad in Australia (Ic-Cittadini in Sydney in 1982, 1985) in New York and other places compiler is not aware of.
MALTESE EXPRESSIONS The former word abdalla occurs in the following Maltese expressions: "Ghamilli abdalla fi Trapani" meaning he played a swiftie on me. "Kif sejjer ix-xoghol? Darba ghal Alla u ohra ghal Abdalla" [How are things at work? One for God and another for Abdalla] meaning sometimes well and sometimes not. Source - Aquilina, Joseph Maltese-English Dictionary vol 1, 1987
- Serracino-Inglot Erin Il-Miklem Malti, 1976