mccv libThe MCCV Library The MCCV Library at the Maltese Centre in Parkville was recently refurbished with funds kindly donated to the MCCV by the Newport Maltese Association. The MCCV President, Mr Victor Borg, officially re-opened the library in October 2001 and Mgr Joseph Grech, Bishop of Sandhurst, blessed it. The re-fitting included new shelving, floor tiling, blinds, light fittings, glass book cases, table, chairs and desk. Originally opened in early 1985, the library houses about a thousand books and is considered to be one of the largest collections of Maltese publications in the southern hemisphere. The Library has also a computer where all books are recorded using the International Dewey System. All books and other library items are individually marked using this system Except for rare books and reference books, all books and tapes may be borrowed. To borrow books one needs to obtain a membership card, which serves as Proof of Identity. A borrower must produce a valid Driver's Licence, or similar proof of identity, to obtain a membership card. Books may be borrowed for a period of 4 weeks. Where an extension is required, one may obtain an extension by phoning the Maltese Centre. If the books are not returned on time, a fine is imposed on the borrower for the late return. As at the end of January 2002, the library has a total of 50 members and about 200 books have been borrowed. The MCCV library is open on Thursdays, from 10.00 am till 12.00 noon, and Fridays, from 6.00 pm till 9.00 pm, or by appointment. The contact phone number is 9387 8922. The MCCV Vice-President, Mr Guy Deguara, and Public Relations Officer, Charles Belli, run the library. Books on Wheels: The MCCV is looking for volunteers to distribute books, videos and other reading material to our elderly people who are unable to travel to the Library at Parkville. Those interested may contact the Centre on 9387 8922 during office hours and leave a message for Charles Belli, or E-Mail to List of Books in the MCCV Library The following are some of the books in the MCCV Library: A Concise History of Malta Andrea De Bono, Maltese Explorer on the White Nile (1848-65) Birds of Malta Dizzjunarju ta'Termini Letterarji Drawwiet u Tradizzjonijiet Maltin Fortress: Architecture & Military History in Malta (2nd Ed) Fortresses of the Knights Gharfien il-Pjanti Giovanni Battista Vertova. Diplomacy, Warfare and Military Engineer Guide to the National Library of Malta History of the British Possessions in the Mediterranean Honourable People: stories of Maltese politics Il-Gardinagg Malti Il-Hbit mill-Ajru fuq ir-Rotunda tal-Mosta Il-Hut fl-ibhra Maltin Il-Kitba tal-Malti sa l-1870 Il-Klabbs Maltin tal-Futbol, Vol 3 Il-Ktieb tar-Rih u l-Fiuri Il-Misteru tal-Lazzarett Introducing Social Studies - A Maltese Reader Is-Sigar Maltin - L-uzu u l-importanza It-Trejdunjonizmu f Malta Vol IV Ix-Xandir f'Malta, Kullana Kulturaii No 25 Kif Ghedtlek, Wenz Kollu tort tan-Nannu La Bidu, La Tmiem - 1599 La Litterature Maltaise depuis l'Independence L-Edukazzjoni f'Malta PIN Kollezzjoni, No 20 L-Istorija ta' l-Opra f'Malta L-istorja tal Poezija Maltija ll-Qilla tai-Gwerra fuq Ghawdex 1940-1943 Malta, Island of Christian Heroes: Life in Malta in the early 17th century Malta: A Collection of Tales and Narratives Mediterranean Sea Fishes (Central Region) Palace of the Grand Masters in Valletta Snajja'u xoghol il-Maltin Society and the Inquisition in Early Modern Malta Splendour of Malta The Lateen-Rigged Maltese Brigantine The Maltese Islands on the Move The Rise and Fail of Abate Giuseppe Vella Values of Women and Men in the Maltese Islands When War Broke Out Zmien il-Kavailieri f'Malta 1530-1798 Other books of Reference which are too numerous to list them all here.