Malta Emigrants Commission

Associations of Returned Migrants

Emigrants Commission houses several Associations of returned migrants, which operate from Emigrants Commission premises at Dar l-Emigrant, Castille Place, Valletta.

These Associations organise their activities and meetings, and are accepting new members on a regular basis. Each of the Associations deals with a specific group of Migrants and their needs.

For more information please send your communications addressed to the Association you are looking for:

  • Association of Families of Migrants (A.F.E.) - Chairman: Mrs B. Fenech Gonzi
  • Maltese - American Association (M.A.A.) - President: Mr John Camilleri
  • Friends of Australia Association (F.O.A.A.) - President: Mr Anthony Cutajar
  • Maltese - Canadian Association (M.C.A.) - President: Mr Anthony Paris
  • International Wives Association (I.W.A.) - Chairman: Mrs Myra Azzopardi

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