Speech - Mr Alfred Zarb (VOM)Ambassador Mr Alfred a Zarb is a Councillor for the radio network Voice of the Mediterranean (VOM) spoke on the benefits reaped from his work in the U.S.A. when setting up the Permanent Mission of Malta to the United Nations in New York. In particular he promoted a "Committee for Maltese Unity". His experience was also extended through contacts with the Maltese of North Africa and those of Canada, Australia and New Zealand. He highlighted the fact that the Maltese abroad have happily integrated in their 'new home' overseas. This meantthat many aspects of their culture were lost or reduced considerably over the years. VOM was set up in 1988 as a regional station to disperse information on events taking place in the Mediterranean with some features about Malta. This network gradually expanded to reach the people of Australia, and there is room for further improvement. Last year the programmes started to be heard via the Internet, and now many Maltese listeners abroad avail themselves of these transmissions. At present negotiations are under way to promote Malta's activities in the EuroMediterranean area. VOM also aims to foster contact with Maltese communities abroad through regular programmes which will include young Maltese children of the third and fourth generation. Source: 'Malta' - Maltese Culture Movement, Issues 4,5,6, 2000.