ForewordAuthor: The Hon. Dr Joe Borg LL.D. LL.M.(Wales), M.P. Minister of Foreign Affairs 
I was most gratified to be invited to write a Foreword to the Report on the Migrants Convention held in Malta from 25th January to 1st February 2000. This Convention was in fact the second gathering of leaders and representatives of Maltese Communities who over the decades have established themselves in different parts of the globe. The first Migrants Convention was held in July 1969, also in Malta, and after thirty years the time was opportune for such leaders and representatives to come together again and to see how best the many thousands of Maltese abroad could interact even more profitably than hitherto with their homeland and with their brothers and sisters living in Malta. The initiative for organising a second Emigrants Convention was taken in 1997 by Dr Victor Borg, President of the Maltese Community Council of Victoria in Australia, when he submitted a recommendation with this objective in mind to the Government of Malta. As a result, a Committee was formed between my Ministry and the Emigrants Commission and steps were taken to hold this second convention early in the year 2000 as an important event to mark the start of the new Millenium. The Report which follows is a detailed record of all the proceedings and the papers presented at the Convention and all the deliberations taken by the delegates. The Committee had the difficult task of selecting and inviting about 70 participants from the several hundred leaders of Associations of Maltese origin abroad. The UNDP very kindly accepted to sponsor the travel to Malta of a number of these delegates. However, in view of the great interest shown by several other prospective participants, the Committee issued an open invitation to all Maltese and of Maltese origin living abroad who wished to participate in order not to exclude anyone from such an important Convention. As part of the activities of the Convention the Organising Committee held an Exhibition of painting and sculpture by Maltese artists living overseas at the Museum of Fine Arts in Valletta, and a Photographic Exhibition of Maltese pioneer migrants in Mackay Queensland covering the period 1883 and 1946. A Pontifical Mass was also concelebrated at St John's Co-Cathedral and a soirée was held at the Manoel Theatre. The strong support and hospitality shown by H.E. The President of Malta, Prof. Guido de Marco, the Hon. Prime Minister, Dr E. Fenech Adami, the Hon. Leader of the Opposition, Dr Alfred Sant and His Grace The Archbishop Mgr. Joseph Mercieca highlighted their respect and esteem for our community abroad. This was further emphasised by Parliament when it enacted very important legislation on “Dual Citizenship” during the Convention. The recommendations approved by the Convention include that of the setting up of a Federation of Maltese Abroad. This Convention has confirmed the strong links retained by all our community members living overseas and has paved the way for maintaining and intensifying such links in the future. It has been a pleasure and an honour for me as Minister of Foreign Affairs to have this Convention organised by my Ministry and I wish every success to the Federation of Maltese Abroad which has just been established.