Connecting with Maltese AbroadAn analysis of requests made to the Migration Museum Website www.maltamigration.comby Prof. Maurice Cauchi Paper presented at the Convention of Maltese Abroad, Malta, 2010 The aim of this paper is to highlight the needs that Maltese abroad have through an analysis of the requests they have made to us via the migration museum website. The website has now been running for several years, and attempts are made to keep adding more information to it, and keeping it up to date – not always easy. The website contains hundreds of articles dealing with: • History of migration • Statistical information and analysis • Issues dealing with settlement overseas, including education, employment, home-ownership, health, youth, old age, etc. • Information about Maltese Associations overseas, personalities, events, etc Issues discussed: It is impossible to discuss all the various issues raised over the years, but I intend to discuss briefly the following issues. I intend to show a couple of examples of these e-mails to give you a feel of what the perceived problems actually are. • Maltese language teaching • Citizenship issues • Migrating to Malta • Travel Enquiries • Genealogy • Tracing Missing Persons • Maltese in Egypt • Maltese products for sale • Research • Socialising • Religious: Mixed Marriages issues • Conclusions • What they say about the website Learning the Maltese LanguageMaintaining the Maltese language is one of the pillars of culture maintenance, and all umbrella organisations and many other associations have done their best to encourage language maintenance. Yet this has been always an uphill battle. It is good to see that the Maltese government (at long last) has seen fit to give prominence to this issue, even when, many of us would think that this is like closing the gate after the horse has bolted. On the positive side, it is good to see a sort or resurgence in interest in learning Maltese. At the Maltese Community Centre in Melbourne, there are currently four classes of Maltese for students varying from primary school age to adults. Lest we get carried away with this, it is well to keep in mind that of the 40,000 second and third generation of Maltese in Melbourne, only a hundred odd students are currently studying Maltese in Melbourne. The following extracts illustrate the sort of queries that we receive: A: Foreigners wishing to learn Maltese: Bianca: I am looking to take a course in Maltese and can not seem to find an appropriate course/school etc. I am a British citizen who has been living in Malta for a few years now but I would like to improve my spoken Maltese Linda (Australia): I am trying to buy a Maltese/English dictionary and am unable to find one. Do you know where I can purchase one? Braeden : My friend and I, my friend being Maltese, are planning to move to Malta in approximately six months. We are hoping that with your help we can gain a more concrete understanding of the Maltese language, reading and writing as well as speaking, seeing as we plan to stay there for many years to come. Your immediate reply would be most appreciated. Thank you in advance. Enrica (Italy): I am an Italian native speaker and have a good command of English. I would like to learn Maltese and am writing to ask suggestions about the best way to do it. I live in Italy and am planning to attend a Maltese language course in Malta this summer but would like to study something on my own as well. I am wondering whether you know of online learning resources or if you can suggest me other ways to take on Maltese. I also am available to collaborate with someone over the Internet in language swap (I could help with Italian and Spanish). Marlene (Australia): I am the care manager of an aged care service who has just admitted a Maltese resident. I would like to get of find where to purchase some communication cards (English - Maltese) to aid the staff with communicating with this elderly resident. Or anything that will help us communicate better Maltese Language: Maltese background persons wishing to learn Maltese: Braeden(Australia):My friend and I, my friend being Maltese, are planning to move to Malta in approximately six months. We are hoping that with your help we can gain a more concrete understanding of the Maltese language, reading and writing as well as speaking, seeing as we plan to stay there for many years to come. Requesting Maltese classes in Melbourne. Grace (Sydney): I'm looking for a Maltese Language school around the eastern suburbs/inner west of Sydney. I would like to learn Maltese and learn more of my father’s culture. I do not believe that we should be defeatist. I believe that every effort should be made to encourage the teaching of Maltese language through: Provision of books and teaching material Encourage co-operation with education department in Malta, (governmental, university) Encourage exchange of teachers and students Encourage student participation through inducements like scholarships, bursaries, etc (currently undertaken in Melbourne by the Maltese Historical Association.) CitizenshipThis is by far the most common issue raised by our readers. They want to know whether they or members of the family (children, grandchildren) have a right to apply for citizenship. Even with the information now available, e-mails keep coming in relating to their own status in this respect. People need to have their own case assessed individually and need to be directed to authoritative sources to be reassured, as expeditiously as possible. It is not enough to tell them to look up the government website on this topic. They need individual direction. Luke: I have a friend who was born in 1975 (outside of the US) to a mother who was born in Malta. If she wants to apply for citizenship, does her mother have to as well? Or can she just use the documentation of her mother's birth certificate in Malta? And if they both have to apply, can they do so at the same time, or would she have to wait for her mother's citizenship to come through? Nigel (USA): I was born in Malta in 1980, from Zimbabwean parents whilst they were pursuing studies there. We moved to Zimbabwe and I have grown the majority of my life there. Currently I am in the United States as a permanent resident, and wish to pursue Maltese Citizenship. Pauline (Canada): I was born in Malta in 1945 of Maltese parents. I came to Canada in 1957. I have lived here ever since and am a Canadian Citizen. Am I still a Maltese citizen? My other question is - My children were all born in Canada. My son, born in 1967 is now travelling all over Europe presenting papers, including Gozo in Feb. 2009. He would like to know if he can obtain a Euro passport or Maltese citizenship etc. because of my birth in Malta. Related to this are issues about passports. It may be obvious to all of us that a passport is merely an indication, a proof of citizenship, and no more. People need that document in their hands. One hears of several complaints about the length of time that it takes to obtain a passport, either for the first time, or after some accident, as indicated in one person who lost her passport. Joanne (US): I applied for my dual citizenship in July of 08. After waiting for nearly a year for approval, I have been informed by the NY consulate that i was sent a certificate stating that i was approved, however i never received anything in the mail and would like to be able to apply for my passport since this has been brought to my attention. Please let me know what necessary steps i need to take. Elaine (Canada): Lost her Maltese passport (9.8.2006). I made a police report and have the documents,...since then I have tried to contact the Consulate with no help or instruction from that office… Please help me to replace my Passport... It would help readers to have some feedback in relation to why passports are taking so long. There is no harm in having a regular newsletter published by the Department, and available on the internet for all to read. Suggestions: Direct access to the Department in order to have evaluation and feed back about issues relating to citizenship Ensuring speedy processing of passport applications, Information: production of a regular Newsletter, published on the internet (eg. Maltmigration website), to keep readers updated about these issues. Migrating to and from MaltaIn these days when there are about 20 million persons worldwide looking for settlement elsewhere, it is not surprising that we receive many e-mails relating to the possibility of settling in Malta. It is an unfortunate fact that we have nothing to offer in this area, and we cannot offer much hope. However, we consider it only human decency to respond to all correspondence and explain the difficulties that Malta has in accommodating immigrants. The individual conditions vary greatly and have to be tackled on an individual basis and with authority. We can only refer such requests to the relevant government department, but we have no idea what happens then, or whether any response is forthcoming from this source. Migrating to Malta:Anthony (Canada): I'm looking for Malta-based website(s) where I can get information from Maltese-Canadians who retired to Malta as I'm thinking of doing same. My objective is to find truth of very credible rumours that it's no longer safe to take a late night walk, even at places like the Ferry area and Ghar id-Dud. Etc etc Marisa (Syria): 1.Could you please tell me what people from Syria need to visit Malta? and for how long can they stay? 2. What do people from Syria need if they want to live permanently in Malta?3. Job opportunities in Malta for qualified people from Syria (namely computer engineer)? Peter: I would like to emigrate to Malta. I have friends who live in Mosta who are Maltese , and i think they would support me. Can you possibly advise me on how to proceed? The other side of the coin refers to persons in Malta who would like to migrate, or merely travel overseas. Migrating from MaltaAnnalisa (Malta) me and my family are thinking about migrating from Malta to Vancouver Canada . but I have no idea what i have to do, and if there is any Maltese associations in Vancouver that can give me a hand in finding a job, a house and a school for my kids . As I have no idea at all how the immigration process works and I have never been to Canada I will need all the help I can get .If you could send me some information on what I have to do I would be grateful . Claire (Malta): I am a Maltese citizen, planning to visit Australia for a year in July on a working holiday. I am looking for a teaching job in Australia. I am graduated in Primary teaching at the University of Malta. I am particularly interested in teaching Maltese however I am not sure if such are only evening or part time courses. I would prefer a full time job but am still interested in other posts. Other Travel Enquires: Linda: We are travelling to London in October and staying approximately 4 days. We were looking for accommodation and was advised that the Franciscan sisters of the Heart of Jesus convent offered excellent accommodation. The internet sent me to this site and I was wondering if you could send me contact details for my inquiry. Carmen (Malta): My son and his wife emigrated to Australia a year ago. I am a widow and wish to go to see them. They live in Sydney. Could you please be kind enough as to help me? I was thinking of going late September-October-November for five(5) weeks. I'll be travelling alone. So I need all the guidance i can get. Your help will be much appreciated. I presume they send their request to us for lack of adequate information as to how to go about doing this. Again I presume that a well-staffed organisation should be in a position to deal with such issues expeditiously. GenealogyThere is a healthy interest among descendants of Maltese living abroad in finding out their family tree. One could explain this as an effort to find one’s roots, an essential process for any one, but particularly important for children of migrants and displaced persons. The following is an example of this kind of request: Joe (Australia): I am a first generation Australia whose parents travelled to Australia after WW2, I am currently trying to track down the history of my family name for a family tree, could you direct me to a site or books that might be able to help be create a story time line of their movements to Australia. Any help you could give me would be much appreciated. It is likely that this phenomenon is much more evident in descendants of those living overseas than in those living in Malta. While experts genealogists can be found anywhere, their services are usually expensive, and many would prefer to obtain the information they need themselves. It would be helpful if some guidance is made available for those wishing to pursue this exercise. If for not other reason, it would encourage young people to visit Malta to undertake the necessary research in this area. Tracing Missing PersonsThis is another area where there seems to be a real need for information. It is difficult, at the best of times to be able to locate someone with whom you have had no contact for decades. It is particularly frustrating if you no idea even of where to begin. We have received many e-mails requesting information about parents, grand-parents or friends, last seen or heard of years previously, often presenting only a most sketchy outline of name, when they left Malta, address etc. On occasions we have been lucky to find people who had known the particular person. The following e-mails illustrate the variety of requests that we have received. Doris : I am desperately trying to trace the names of the ships my parents came out to Australia on from Malta. My dad : XXX, dob: 11.10.1918 sailed early 1950 maybe Jan/Feb mum followed with 4 children later that same year, maybe Aug/Sep dob: 31.3.1918 Lisa: I am trying to locate my Uncle Salvo XXXX. He was last known to be living in Stepney Green in London. Nobody has heard from him since 1995. He would be about 73 years old. Is this something you can help me with? Jacqueline: I have relatives living in Australia? How can I start looking for them? All I know is that my father's Uncle Frans XXX from Birkirkara had children who emigrated to Australia. Is there any website for Maltese ascended people in Australia who are trying to find their ancestors from a forum? Helen Christchurch, NZ): On researching my family tree I have discovered that my Great great Grandfather was Maltese. He died in 1900 and was according to his death certificate 69 years old and that would make him born somewhere about 1830. Unfortunately he has anglicised his name to XXX. I have no idea when he arrived and I suspect he came from Australia and settled in the Goldfields of Otago in the 1860's.I have his marriage certificate and this occurred in Clyde in 1867. I was hoping that you might be able to give me some clues as to where to go next. Coronato (Aust) :My dad migrant to Australia in mid 1920 how i will find out when he come to Australia. His name was Paul, D.O.B 26th March 1901 born in Nadur Gozo Malta. I know he come back to Malta and he left to Tunis in 17th Oct 1929 and come back to Malta August 1934. Michele (Aust): I am hoping you can help me out with some information if someone was born in Malta in 1905 how hard would it be to get his birth information trying to find if he ever had any brothers or sisters. Again this is one area where a centralised data-base of migrants’ movements can be kept, and staff made available to follow up such requests for information. Maltese of EgyptThe history of the relationship between the Maltese Government and the Maltese of Egypt does no credit to the then governments. The end result was that these persons of Maltese origin found themselves unwanted in Malta and the result was that they were scattered around the world – what one might call ‘ a double Diaspora’ – first one from Malta and then from Egypt to Australia and other far -flung places. The same can be said about those who had to leave North Africa after the war, including Tripoli, Tunis, and Algeria. There has been no systematic attempt at keeping some sort of cohesion among these groups, either between themselves or with the mother country. There has been little assistance in helping these with issues relating to their hasty departure and loss of personal goods, and in some instances, personal identity. The following are a couple of examples of such requests: Demonique : I'm seeking some information, I don’t know who to turn to. I've tried the Catholic churches and websites and have had no luck in finding out the info I seek. My grandmother was Maltese, she moved from Malta to Port Said,Egypt, around the early part of the century, 1910-1920. She married my Italian grandfather, in a church called st Eugenia, in Port Said. This church is mentioned in an article by Ivan Magri-Overend.I cant find anything on this church, meaning does it still exist. I need to get a marriage certificate of my grandparents. A question, did the British at this time keep records of births, deaths and marriages in Egypt, since I think the Maltese people were classed as British subjects? If so, does that mean I don’t have to find this church to see if they have records? I am desperate and would greatly appreciate any leads or information on this subject. Maisie (Australia): Would you please be able to send me St Eugenie church in Port Said's email address. I wish to contact the priest there. An attempt should be made to keep lines of communication open, and my suggestion, even at this late stage, is to ensure that there is a dedicated website such as the Malta-migration website, that endeavours to follow up queries and issues raised by these people. ResearchAnother outcome that has resulted from this website is the considerable number of requests for help with the various research projects relating to the topic of migration, arising from students from Malta as well as from those places where there is a significant number of Maltese settlers. Other requests have come from more senior and established researchers wishing to link up with this facility or merely making specific enquiries. For example: Poly (Cyprus): I live in Xylotymbou, Cyprus near Dhekelia bases. I want to do a photo exhibition of the history of our village and during my research, I came across Maltese refugees. I learnt that they spent much time with the locals and even played football there. Please help me or direct me to where I can find information, especially photos for this very important part of history of our village. Loretta (Melb): I am a University Of Melbourne student currently researching the contribution and participation of second generation Australians in maintaining their cultural heritage. Also, I will be examining how the dominant 'anglo' culture represents ethnic minorities. I am intrigued by the size of the Maltese community residing in Australia and I was hoping you could provide some statistical information to assist my thesis. Firstly, I was hoping you could provide, or recommend a source, where I could receive information regarding the number of second-generation Australians attending Maltese Cultural festivals in Melbourne. Nick: I am interested in finding out what is the current level of annual emigration from Malta (or the most recent figures). Just an estimate would do. .Is it possible to differentiate between Maltese leaving the island and immigrants from other countries returning home? Allan: On your page entitled "Home away from home" there is a Thomas Quilty Valois mentioned at the end of the 11th paragraph. He is my great-great-great-great-great grandfather and I am trying to research his life as well as his family. Do you have any leads/information that could help me? Ruth (Malta): I am a 4th. year student in the evening BA course. I am working on an assignment about refugees. Would it be possible for me to be given an appointment to ask some questions ? Melanie (Austria): I'm a student of Geography in Salzburg (Austria) and I write my final paper for the obtainment of the B.A. (Bachelor of Arts) degree on the subject "Migration in Malta". Do you have same information for me? Mario (Malta): Jien qed nikteb tezi fuq il-kunjomijiet Maltin ta' nisel Sqalli u Taljan. Huwa possibbli jkolli access ghal informazjoni fuq zwigijiet imhallta bejn Taljani/Sqallin u Maltin. L-informazzjoni sa tintuza biss ghal skopijiet ta'ricerka. Fil-kaz napprezza hafna kekk taghtuni appuntament biex nigi sa l-ufficju taghkom.. Athanasia (Greece): Please send by e-mail any Ref's on the subject of Maltese Emigration(s) to Corfu-Greece and particularly in relation to the SCHEMBRI family. While we have done our best to answer these queries, considering our limited facilities, it would be beneficial if better contacts were maintained with sources of information, particularly the University where such contacts are encouraged and followed-up. In particular, research in migration issues should be given priority and those few persons currently undergoing such research should be given every encouragement to continue with their work. SocialisingIsolation has always been the bug-bear relating to the migration process. Unfortunately, with the passing of years, and with the aging of the population, this problem has not become any less urgent. Many elderly persons, women much more frequently than men, find themselves alone following the death of spouse and the absence of their children. The following are examples of e-mails received relating to this issue: Joanne Pfeiffer (Melb): I was just wondering if you could help me, my Maltese mother in law has just recently lost her husband suddenly 2 weeks ago of 55yrs marriage, she is aged 70 and is quite upset. I was wondering you could put me in touch with anyone that could help or visit her as much as family has helped, it would really help if we could put her in touch with people of her own age that maybe could help her through this time and maybe even form some friendships. Jennifer (US): My family and I just moved to the US and we would like to connect with other Maltese families. Can you please tell me if there are any Maltese associations in the Seattle area or even in Washington state? Karen (UK) We are a residential care home in Oxfordshire. An older Maltese gentleman has moved into the home following his wife's death earlier in the year. His English is perfect, but he desperately misses speaking in Maltese with someone. Would you know of any association or person in Oxfordshire whom we could contact to provide an hour or so of communication for a very lovely gentleman? It is not the scope of this paper to discuss the various ways in which links could be established with Malta to help these people. However, as more and more people become computer-literate and use the internet, the migration website could help to bring people together for companionship and friendly chat through cyberspace. There is no reason why a chat-line in Maltese be established through this website to encourage this sort of communication. This would be a unique development, not available elsewhere. Religious IssuesReligion has always played a very significant role in the lief of Maltese who have settled overseas, in spite of the considerable difficulties which are sometimes encountered in the process. We have received a number of queries about such issues. Perhaps the most important of these relate to mixed marriages and problems arising from them. Many would like to know where they stand, particularly if they involved in divorce or separation procedures. The following extracts illustrate these issues: MarriagesNadia: I am married by civil law to a Libyan muslim. I would like to enquire if we can get married in church and if it is recognised as marriage for both of us. Firyal: I came across this site today as I was searching for some legal information regarding marriage procedures....I was born in Malta and I have a Maltese passport so I am a citizen of Malta...I got married in Malta previously through the mosque and also at the marriage registry…I understand that once married and separated I am not able to re-marry and live with my spouse in Malta...because here in Malta there is no such thing as a divorce procedure….My question is... If I want to re-marry again through the mosque, which is considered to be legal in Islam and bring my spouse to Malta...In this case my spouse would be a citizen of Jordan... What status does he acquire? And is there any chance for him to obtain freedom of movement???? Rico (Denmark): I understand that we must make a Publication of Banns prior to our marriage date. I would like to know whether or not in the case of a divorced person who wishes to re marry would they actually write down for all the public to see that I have been divorced? This is a part of my past that I do not wish to have to bring back again, and I do not think it is relevant for public knowledge. Obviously we cannot claim to be competent in answering these questions, and these are usually referred to the Emigrants’ Commission to deal with. Related also to these are issue relating to children, including baptisims and confirmations, as the following extracts show. ConfirmationRituccia (Dubai): We have been living in Dubai for 2 years. My daughter would have done her confirmation last November if we had remained in Malta.She attended catechism in Dubai all last year (Year 11). Can she receive her confirmation next summer in Malta and what does that entail? Thanks in advance for your help. Claudine (Malta): I emigrated to Malta at the age of 12 from South Africa. Today I am 24 years old. I have not received my first holy communion or confirmation and would like to start working towards achieving both of these sacraments. I am a Roman Catholic and was baptised by Bishop Sylvester Magro however political turmoil in South Africa led to the negligence of receiving these sacraments. I was informed that you could be of help in this regard. Thanking you in advance. Marielou (UK): I am a Maltese national living in the UK. My son who is fifteen years of age would like to be confirmed in Malta. We would appreciate any advice and procedure we would have to take. We were wondering if is at all possible to have his confirmation done during our visit. Other RequestsThere is no end to the sort of questions one gets asked. Some of these, like the above, result from a considerable degree of anxiety or frustration. Others are simply trivial, written by those who just want to have a say. We have been asked, for instance about the telephone numbers of persons living in Malta, or where to buy pastizzi, or how to contact a government department etc etc. Some are more interested in purchasing products made in Malta. The following are a couple of examples of these: Meagan (Australia): Are there any retailers/websites in Australia that you are aware of that sell Maltese movies/shows/DVDs? I had the privilege of marrying into a Maltese family and with mother's day coming up wanted to see if I could surprise my mother in law! Ernest (California): I have a friend who is of Maltese descent. She is getting married soon. She is looking for a restaurant or bakery which makes pastizzi in or around Pleasanton, California. If there is any way you may be able to help, it would be most appreciated. Thank you. Some conclusions: Information Exchange: What Future?Currently available information may be summarised as follows: • Print Media in Australia: • The Maltese Herald (Sydney) • Il-Maltija (Melbourne: stopped Circulation) • Radio: EA, ZZ etc. • Television: ½ per week: icing on the cake Internet: • All Malta News (Lawrence Dimech • Specific websites (, others? It is to be noted that print media in Australia is all but moribund. If we are really interested in maintaining the written Maltese language, we have to support the print media and ensure bi-lingual exposure. Television exposure is of course very limited, being available only for half-an-hour per week. This is mere tokenism and cannot possible fulfil the role of communication between Maltese abroad (even assuming that it can reach all corners of the globe). Radio exposure in Victoria and Sydney is adequate, but as with all radio programs, they suffer from being ephemeral, lacking permanency and access after a brief period of time on the internet.. Information available regularly on the internet is limited. The regular Newsletter by Lawrence Dimech certainly helps to provide some regular information, but it is not meant to be a medium for communication outside Australia. It is my impression that the maltamigration website has filled a niche, a need not previously appreciated, and for which no provision has been made elsewhere. It would appear that, in spite of the information available on government and other websites, there is still a lot of confusion about issues relating to citizenship, passports, requirements re migration to Malta, etc. There is a need to set up a committee of knowledgeable persons to serve as ‘experts’ to answer the various questions. These would be required also to draft publishable reports on issues raised by these queries to be included in the website as an ongoing exercise. There is a need for a formal recognition by the Government of the needs by Maltese Abroad for such a means of inter-communication, and the provision of adequate assistance and support within the Foreign ‘desk’. Summary SuggestionsMaltese Language Maintenance Every effort should be made to encourage the teaching of Maltese language through: • Provision of books and teaching material • Introduction of long-distance learning • Encourage co-operation with education department in Malta, (governmental, university) • Encourage exchange of teachers and students • Encourage student participation through inducements like scholarships, bursaries, etc (currently undertaken in Melbourne by the Maltese Historical Association.) • Financial Support to encourage print media. Citizenship • Direct access to the Department in order to have evaluation and feed back about issues relating to citizenship • Ensuring speedy processing of passport applications, Information: production of a regular Newsletter, published on the internet (eg. Maltmigration website), to keep readers updated about these issues. • Other Miscellaneous suggestions • Provision of facilities to provide information relating to various issues, including: • Migration issues • Genealogy • Missing Persons: Provision of a centralised data-base of migrants’ movements, and staff made available to follow up such requests. • Maltese transplanted from North Africa: ‘Diable Diaspora’ An attempt should be made to keep lines of communication open, and my suggestion, even at this late stage, is to ensure that there is a dedicated website such as the Malta-migration website, that endeavours to follow up queries and issues raised by these people. Research in Migration IssuesResearch in migration issues should be given priority and those few persons currently undergoing such research should be given every encouragement to continue with their work. Socialising A chat-line in Maltese be established through this website to encourage this sort of communication. This would be a unique development, not available elsewhere. Acknowledgements • Emigrants’ Commission: Mgr Phillip Calleja Technical Assistance: • James Azzopardi : programming • Charles Belli: Current webmaster editor Those who helped answer these queries, particularly; • Mark Caruana (Migration data) • Edwidge Borg (Maltese language teaching) • Nicholas Chircop (Egypt Issues): • Romeo Cini: (Tripoli Issues) • Emigration Commission, Malta (religious issues, marriages, confirmations, Christmas hampers etc) • Other: Citizenship requests: Ms Doris Zammit, Foreign Office Migration Desk. What they say about the website: What Kept us Going!• Eduardo Fernandez-Espinar: "your web page I have found most interesting and well written" • Enrica Brancaleoni (Italy): "congratulations on your well-done website". • Paula Dyer-Fernandes: "This is just to say what a pleasure it has been reading your article, you mentioned my grandfather Major Edwin Magri-Overend who was established in Egypt during the second world war. He brought his family over to London during the Suez crisis. Other family members went to Australia." • Alfred Flask (ACT): "very informative web site. A lot of work gone into it". • Lawrence Darmanin: Just to let you know that looking at your site brought tears to my eyes on a number of occasions as I moved around from Country to Country and looked up names and dates concerning Maltese emigrants over the years. I looked up the names of different family members and found information that I had long forgotten or never new. • Roderick Bovingdon (Sydney): "A very commendable service to the public" • Rebecca Cefai (Malta): "Well done for a marvellous website, I think it's great! It's got a ton of information, it's well-designed and it's quick toload.... a surfer's dream." • Cecil Mamo: "Love this new sight, thanks for bringing it to my attention.... left Malta in 1950 when I was 13 yrs old... Malta is still in my heart...thanks again..Keep up the good work......" • Frank Scicluna (Adelaide): "I would like to congratulate you and your committee for the launching of Malta Migration Museum Website. It is a magnificent source of information for the Maltese overseas as well as those in Malta." • Michael Fenech (Canada): "I have recently discovered your site, which I found very interesting and informative. As one who emigrated to Canada in 1954, I felt I should tell you how grateful I am, that someone took the time to document this part of our history. Now my grandchildren can look up your website, and gather information about how "Nannu came to Canada". Keep up the good work, and Thank you."
