About the Malta Migration Museum Website - www.maltamigration.comThe Migration Museum Committee has now organised a website in association with the Migration Museum project. The aim of the Malta Migration Museum website (http://www.maltamigration.com) is to collect information relating to issues of interest to migrants and migration. It will be a site which will continue to grow over the years, to provide the most comprehensive collection of such information. The website emphasizes the lived existence of migrants overseas. As such it is expected to be in a continual state of growth. It would be an indispensable source of information for students and researchers, as well as for more casual browsers. The following are some of the items already available on the Migration Museum website: - History: A considerable amount has already been written about the history of migration. There is already a comprehensive amount of information already on the website and this will be continuously added to.
- Statistical information: detailed statistical information from census data and original research will be available.
- Associations: There is a vast amount of untapped information relating to the work of the many associations of Maltese around the world. In Victoria (Australia) alone there are more than 80 such associations, many of whom perform essential services for their members.
- Personalities: the number of persons of Maltese descent who have achieved an outstanding record is impressive. It is, however, an aspect which most Maltese are quite unaware of. The list of such persons with their achievements is detailed on this website.
- Migrant Issue: Current migrant issues include education, ageing, maintenance of Maltese language and culture, inter-marriage, etc. These issues are discussed at length through articles and proceedings of conferences which are included in the website.
- Oral history: The collection of oral history has been a priority with a few migrants overseas, with the result that we have a far better collection of oral history overseas (particularly in Canberra and Toronto) than we have in Malta. Samples of oral history will be available on the website.
- Outreach: An opportunity will be given to communicate through the website. The Committee will be responding to suggestions made by the various members of the Maltese who care to give their comments. The website will serve as a focus where individual migrants (and non-migrants) can air their point of view.
